For a complete list of publications please download and review my CV
(*denotes graduate student author)
Morris, K.,& Ashdown S. P. (2018).Partnerships in practice: Producing new design knowledge with users when developing performance apparel products. Fashion Practice, 10(3).
Morris, K.,& Ashdown S. P. (2018). Leading Apparel Users: Developing a Measure to Identify Lead Users for Collaborative Apparel Product Development. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 36(3).180-198.
Morris, K.,Park, J., & Sarkar, A. (2017). Development of a nursing sports bra for physically active breastfeeding women through user-centered design. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 35(4). 290-306.
Park, H., Kim, S., Morris, K.,Moukperian, M., Moon, Y., & Stull, J. (2015).Effect of firefighters’ personal protective equipment on gait. Applied Ergonomics,48, 42-48.
Park, J., Morris, K.,Stannard, C., & Hamilton, W. (2014). Design for many, design for me: Universal design for apparel products. The Design Journal, 17(2). 267-290.
OTHER Highlighted work organized by research theme
Design Process
Conference Presentations
Morris, K., & Moukperian, M. (2012). The Vignelli Approach to Apparel Design: An Examination of an Architect's Venture into Sustainable Fashion. Presented at the annual meeting of International Textile and Apparel Association, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Morris, K., Stannard, C., & Park, J. (2011). Universal Design Theory and Empirical Applications in Apparel Design. Presented at the annual meeting of International Textile and Apparel Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Creative Scholarship
Morris, K., Stannard, C., & Park, J. (2010, October). Pupa Butterfly. Transitional maternity dress. International Textile and Apparel Association, Montreal, Canada. Acceptance rate: 31%. Award: 2010 Lectra Graduate Student Award for use of Technology First Place.
Collaborative Design
Conference Presentations
Morris, K., Ashdown, S. (2014). The Ideal User: A Pilot Study to Find Apparel Collaborators. Presented at the annual meeting of International Textile and Apparel Association, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Morris, K., & Park, J. (2012). Development and evaluation of a nursing sports bra prototype. Presented at the annual meeting of International Textile and Apparel Association, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Morris, K., Park, J. (2011). Collaborative Apparel Product Development: Developing a Nursing Sports Bra. Presented at the annual meeting of International Textile and Apparel Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Creative Scholarship
Morris, K. (2012, November). CoVess. Experiential design process. International Textile and Apparel Association, Honolulu, Hawaii. Acceptance rate: 37%. Award: 2012 Fashion Supplies Innovative Design Award First Place.
3D Body Scanning
Conference Presentations
Morris, K., Wu, Y., & Ashdown, S. (2013). Exploring a Process: Using Technology to Define Firefighter Glove Fit Preference. Presented at the annual meeting of International Textile and Apparel Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Creative Scholarship
Morris, K., Flint, R., & Park, H. (2012, November). Migration for a New Habitat. Electrically heated wetsuit. International Textile and Apparel Association, Honolulu, Hawaii. Acceptance rate: 37%
Technology in Design
Creative Scholarship
Morris, K. (2013, October). Peacocking. Digitally printed flax suit. International Textile and Apparel Association, New Orleans, Louisiana. Acceptance rate: 38.5%. Award: 2013 Fashion Supplies Innovative Design Award Second Place.
Morris, K. (2013, October). Cilia. Textural blue jacket. International Textile and Apparel Association, New Orleans, Louisiana. Acceptance rate: 38.5%. Award: 2013 Lectra Graduate Student Award for use of Technology First Place.
Analyzing Comfort in Clothing
Conference Presentations
Park, H., Kim, S., Morris, K., Moukperian, M., Moon, Y., & Stull, J. (2014). Effect of Firefighter's Personal Protective Equipment on Gait. Presented at the annual meeting of International Textile and Apparel Association, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Conference Presentations
Morris, K., Dunne, L., Ramaswamy, H., Reich, J., Ashdown, S., Coffman, C., Kozen, F., & Ruehlow, S. (2014). Smart Clothing, Smart Girls: Teaching Spatial Manipulation Through Garment Patterns. Presented at the annual meeting of International Textile and Apparel Association, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Dunne, L., Ramaswamy, H., Reich, J., Ashdown, S., Coffman, C., Kozen, F., Morris, K., & Ruehlow, S. (2014). Smart Clothing, Smart Girls: Teaching Wearable Electronics. Presented at the annual meeting of International Textile and Apparel Association, Charlotte, North Carolina.
Park, J. & Morris, K. (2010). Team-Based Learning (TBL): New instructional strategy for apparel product development. Presented at the annual meeting of International Textile and Apparel Association, Montreal, Canada.
Book Chapters
None yet, but hopefully soon!
Book Reviews
None yet, but hopefully soon!
Invited Lectures
None yet, but hopefully soon!
Poster presented at the State University of New York (SUNY) Boosting the Power of SUNY: A Celebration of Graduate Research in Albany, NY. 2/26/2013