Program of research
The central research inquiry for my program of research in the Textile and Apparel discipline is
How can researchers increase every apparel user’s ability, health, and well-being through the design of apparel products?
I address this question through three strategies
This diagram illustrates the relationship of my research output. In this case, the output is peer-reviewed publications and design scholarship.
User-Centered Design
Peer- Reviewed Publications (Published & Submitted)
1. Partnerships in practice: Producing new design knowledge with users when developing performance apparel products. (Morris, & Ashdown, 2018).
2. Leading Apparel Users: Developing a Measure to Identify Lead Users for Collaborative Apparel Product Development. (Morris, & Ashdown, 2018).
3. Development of a nursing sports bra for physically active breastfeeding women through user-centered design. (Morris, Park, & Sarkar, 2017).
Design Scholarship Exhibited
5. Luminosity: High Visibility Apparel for Runners (Morris, 2017).
6. Thermic: A Research-driven Base Layer Developed for Runners (Morris, 2016).
7. Rowers Design Retro Uni (Morris, 2014).
8. CoVess: Experiential Design Process (Morris, 2012).
Enhancing the Functionality of Apparel Through Technology
Peer- Reviewed Publications (Published & Submitted)
9. Is it the scan? Technological implications of 3D body scanning on self-objectification (Morris, Ramseyer Winter, Landor, Teti, under 2nd review as of Jan. 2019).
10. “On a journey to appreciate what my body does for me”: Qualitative results from a positive body image intervention study. (Ramseyer Winter, Teti, Landor, Morris, under 2nd review as of August 2018).
11. Is body appreciation a mechanism of depression and anxiety? An investigation of the 3-Dimensional Body Appreciation Mapping (3D-BAM) intervention (Ramseyer Winter et al., under 2nd review as of December 2018).
12. Effect of firefighters’ personal protective equipment on gait (Park et al., 2015).
Design Scholarship Exhibited
13. Parametric: Laser Engraved Neoprene Jacket (Morris, 2017).
14. Synthesis Flow. Digitally printed and laser cut tunic (Parsons & Morris, 2017).
15. Sprinter: 3D Technology Enabled Cycling Uniform (Vaughn, & Morris, 2017) .
16. Lucent Two: A Breathable Hooded Rain Jacket (Morris, 2017).
17. Lucent: Lightweight Waterproof Jacket. Half-scale to full scale design process (Morris, 2016).
18. Cilia: Re-purposed Wool Jacket (Morris, 2013; Morris 2015).
19. Peacocking: Digitally Printed flax suit (Morris, 2013).
20. Migration for a New Habitat (Morris, Flint, & Park, 2012).
21. Asymmetrical Caplet and Ruff Suit Jacket: Machine Embroidered Sportswear Separates (Morris & Sanders, 2006).
Designing for Underserved Target Markets
Peer-Reviewed Publications (Published & Submitted)
22. Exploring apparel and health among young trans men via Photovoice (Teti, et. al., under 2nd review as of Sept. 2018).
23. Development of Garment Design Strategies for Women with Visual Impairments (Cho, Aflatoony, Morris, & Uriyo, under 1st review as of Jan. 2019).
24. Design for many, design for me: Universal design for apparel products. (Park, Morris, Stannard, & Hamilton, 2014).
Design Scholarship Exhibited
25. Afterglow: An equitable approach to design (Morris & Parsons, 2018).
26. Water’s Edge: Theme and Variation (Parsons & Morris, 2018).
27. Lucid #1: Universal Design for the Advanced Aged Women (Morris & Parsons, 2017).
28. Autumn Universal (Parsons & Morris, 2017).
29. All the Ribbons (Parsons & Morris, 2017).
30. Pupa Butterfly: Transitional Maternity Dress (Morris, Stannard, & Park, 2010).
Peer-Reviewed Publications (Published & Submitted)
31. Meaning and Evaluation: An ITAA Apparel and Textile Design Scholarship Member Survey (Parsons & Morris, under 1st review as of Jan. 2019).
Design Scholarship Exhibited
33. Kuiki Echo: Laser-cut Hawaiian style quilt (Morris, 2015).
“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. ”